Facial Blood Vessel Treatment in Washington, DC
Facial Blood Vessel Treatment Before and After Gallery *

A common result of both intrinsic aging and photoaging (sun damage), both red and blue facial blood vessels can be effectively treated with our array of vascular lasers with little to no downtime.
Red Facial Blood Vessels (Facial Telangiectasia)
Red facial blood vessels, referred to as telangiectasia, commonly develop on the nose, cheeks, and chin, and are often found in conjunction with background facial redness or rosacea. These small blood vessels are cosmetically bothersome to many people. These blood vessels respond incredibly well to treatment with our 532nm KTP lasers, or for more resistant vessels, the 585nm Pulsed Dye laser. These lasers utilize the selective absorption of red blood vessels by green spectrum laser wavengths produced by these lasers. Treatment of these blood vessels involves minimal downtime, typically 24-48 hours of mild redness and swelling of the treated areas. 1-2 treatments are typically required for clearance of red blood vessels of the face. We frequently combine treatment of these blood vessels with partial or full face treatment of facial redness or rosacea.
Blue Facial Veins (Periorbital Veins)
Blue facial blood vessels, or facial veins, are often found on the lateral cheeks, temples, around the eyes, and on the nose. Occasionally these vessels can coalesce together, leading to a ‘permanently bruised’ appearing area of the face. These larger blue blood vessels can be effectively treated with our long-pulsed Nd:YAG lasers. Due to a higher risk of scarring associated with treatment of blue facial veins it is imperative to seek out Fellowship Trained laser dermatologists with extensive experience in treating these lesions. Depending on the size of the blood vessels being treated downtime is variable, but typically includes swelling and redness of the treated area in the immediate post treatment period, followed by clearance of the treated veins over a 3-4 week period after treatment. Occasionally multiple treatments are required for larger vessels to fully resolve.
Venous Lake
Venous Lake are blue colored vascular lesions which most often occur on the upper or lower lips. These bluish, compressible lesions are basically a dilated blood vessel within the upper layers of skin, leading to a blue or purple colored area of the lips. Venous lakes can be effectively treated with both the Pulsed Dye Laser (for superficial lesions), or long pulsed Nd:YAG lasers . For larger lesions multiple treatments are often required for full resolution.
Center for Laser Surgery Research on Facial Blood Vessel Treatment
Adrian, RM and Tanghetti, EA: Long Pulse 532 nm. Laser Treatment of Facial Telangiectasia,Journal of Dermatologic Surgery . Vol 24:71-75, 1998