Birthmark Removal in Washington, DC
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The Center for Laser Surgery has over 30 years of experience in laser treatment of birthmarks and is a recognized expert in the treatments of the entire spectrum of congenital vascular and pigmented skin conditions.
About Birthmarks
Birthmarks are congenital (present at birth) abnormalities of the skin present in approximately 5% of the population. While the majority of birthmarks are benign from a pathologic standpoint, some birthmarks may be cosmetically bothersome, affecting a person’s appearance and overall well-being, and removal may be desired for functional or cosmetic reasons.
Types of Birthmarks
Birthmarks may be vascular (port wine stains or hemangiomas) or pigmented (café au lait or nevus of Ota). Please click below to learn more about each type of birthmark.
Laser Birthmark Removal
Through the unique power of laser technology to selectively treat various anomalous skin pigmentation we are able to safely and effectively remove or reduce the appearance of birthmarks with minimal risk of scarring. We currently utilize over ten unique lasers capable of removing or reducing the appearance of birthmarks of all etiologies. Pulsed Dye, Alexandrite, Q-switched Ruby, Q-Switched ND-YAG, and Picosecond Nd:YAG all have proven track records for the treatment of vascular and pigmented birthmarks.
Age and Financial Considerations
The Center for Laser Surgery has various programs for infants, children, and adults with these conditions. While treatment is safe and effective at any age, for disfiguring congenital birthmarks we recommend treatment as early in life as possible, as birthmarks tend to grow as a patient grows and treatment early in life also reduces the stigma or emotional trauma associated with visibly disfiguring birthmarks.
The laser technology associated with birthmark removal is both advanced and expensive. In certain cases, insurance may pay for the treatment of certain vascular birthmarks such as port-wine stains on the face. Please contact our office for more information.
If you would like to schedule a consultation for birthmark removal treatment at our Washington, DC office, please email us or call 202-966-8814.